Letter to Michael Gove
Letter to Michael Gove - June 2019
Please find enclosed a letter embroidered onto wet wipes. 1 in 3 wipes gets flushed down the toilet; 93% of fatbergs are made from them and they take about 200 years to biodegrade. For my two children, I used about 15 football pitches of them before I realised they were made from plastic.
You are probably under a huge amount of stress and uncertainty at the moment. But you still have the power to do good. Someone wise once said that the more we know the heavier the responsibility to act[1].
Mr Gove, you must know the damage plastic wipes does to our waterways. Please legislate that wipes are a single use plastic. Please include plastic wipes with the 2020 ban on plastic straws for the sake of our waterways and our children’s future.
Warmest regards,
Kath, Anna, Alice, Lucy, Rachel and Vineeta